Sage Advice on Anger Anger may upset and disappoint you, but do not live from there. Instead live as a ‘bigger’ person by functioning from your heart. It is o.k. to have feelings of anger, frustration, etc. but don’t function from that space. Only you can be the...

Wake Up and Smell the Sage Human Beings can physically see a great distance, but find it difficult to see their own faults. So sometimes we get ‘broadsided’ by life with a little ‘wake-up call’. Hopefully this will help us to stop, assess, learn, and shift something...

Sage Appreciation Don’t take life for granted. If you look at your life you’ll see that you really have all that you need. Appreciate the little things in life. It’s the little things you do for others that people appreciate most.

How to lessen or get rid of a headache: A person without the headache rubs their palms together briskly. Approach the left side of the seated ‘headache person’; ask them to close their eyes and breathe deeply. Place right palm against the base of the neck and the left...