Sage Appreciation Don’t take life for granted. If you look at your life you’ll see that you really have all that you need. Appreciate the little things in life. It’s the little things you do for others that people appreciate most.

How to lessen or get rid of a headache: A person without the headache rubs their palms together briskly. Approach the left side of the seated ‘headache person’; ask them to close their eyes and breathe deeply. Place right palm against the base of the neck and the left...

Sage Sayings on Balance We are looking for balance in our lives. Balance is different for each person. Being able to accept what is is balance. Acceptance of what is does not mean that there is no striving for the betterment of self. It means to embrace what is and to...

Simplicity is the hardest to attain. Complicated is easy. Simplicity: Approach life in a basic manner. If you are cold – put on clothes. If you are tired – sleep. Hungry – eat. Don’t talk about it. Just do it!