Conscientious Work Has Great Benefit
One of my motto’s for years has been, “Work hard, play hard.” Another one that I live by is, “If I am to do something then I will do it to the best of my ability.”
I was reminded about this as I spent time finishing one of my wood carvings to be judged in a show this coming weekend.
This is the way of the old craftsman who spends days, even weeks, working on a single piece because he wants to create something useful, beautiful, and meaningful. Not mass produced, not factory made, not mindlessly manufactured and consumed. Artistically enriching one’s life and possibly bettering another’s.
This is the way of the writer who pours her soul into a novel, not to crank out a best-seller every year but to perhaps change the way someone sees the world.
This is the way of anyone who works at a company – not just to clock in and get a paycheck, but to make a contribution. To do work s/he’s proud of. To create something powerful in the world.
This is the work of any artist or creator, any entrepreneur, any coach or athlete, any parent or auto mechanic … who puts more effort than is required into the work, because from that effort is created meaning.
My meditation Teacher is always reminding me (irritatingly so at times) that the work never ends. There is the practical work of making a lively-hood. The work of simplifying life as much as possible. The work of cultivating yourself to become the best human being you can be. We are given this gift to improve ourselves until the moment we die.

I hope you can find yourself working hard and playing hard today.
Please join me Monday mornings and Wednesday nights. See calendar page for the dates.
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