Happy Chinese New Year! – Year of the Fire Monkey

Chinese New Year falls on February 8, 2016. This begins year 4713 – the Year of the Fire Monkey (or Red Monkey). During Monkey years creativity and innovation are rewarded.  Is it time for a quantum leap in your life? This is the time! An excellent year to open your mind with classes or self-study, see the world or hang out with friends. It’s time to take bold actions to create the life you want. What better time to revisit or set New Year’s resolutions? Shake things up. Have new experiences. Create positive change. Walk on the wild side. As I like to say, “Dance, monkey, dance!”
Those born in Monkey years (1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016) are clever, sharp, mercurial, and entertaining. They are wonderful to be around because they are fun, creative, and bring a sparkling energy that only Monkey can provide. Monkeys embody strong leadership potential. The uninhibited Monkey rarely gets embarrassed by anything, and is free to express his/herself fearlessly in all walks of life.
In addition to acute mental alertness, Monkey also possesses physical stamina. Monkey is good with his/her hands, has skills and dexterity with machines, technological talents, and can easily master new concepts. Monkey can do anything he/she puts her mind to!
There are five Taoist elements: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood. This is the year of the red Fire Monkey. Red means go! Fire brings passion, creativity, and joy. Fire types are strong, dynamic, and can overcome illness and obstacles. Just be aware to not jump ahead of yourself this year, especially during the heat of summer. Use meditation to try to calm what is called ‘Monkey mind’. This will help you increase your ability to focus on one thing at a time.
To truly understand Monkey, I recommend the story of Monkey’s transformation as explained in the Chinese classic novel, Journey To the West.

Monkey years are very fortunate for all Monkeys, and for Monkey’s friends the Rat, Dragon, and Snake.

 People will be interested in what is innovative and cutting-edge this year. Take care to communicate well with others; good connections will add to your success.

Please join me Monday mornings and Wednesday nights for my meditation classes. See the Calendar page for the dates. www.MeditationFromTheHeart.com